Generate a random colour grid and influence the number of intermediate tones.
Go to the toolGenerate a random composition with rectangles and influence the number of elements.
Go to the toolGenerate a random colour palette and influence the number of shades.
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We use cookies and similar technologies on our website and process personal data about you, such as your IP address. We also share this data with third parties. The data processing may be carried out with your consent or on the basis of a legitimate interest, which you can object to in the individual privacy settings. You have the right to change or withdraw your consent in the privacy policy at a later date. Some services process personal data in the USA. By agreeing to the use of these services, you also consent to the processing of your data in the USA in accordance with Art. 49 (1) lit. a DSGVO. The USA is considered by the ECJ as a country with an insufficient level of data protection according to EU standards. In particular, there is a risk that your data will be processed by US authorities for control and monitoring purposes, possibly without the possibility of legal redress. Are you under 16 years old? Then you cannot consent to optional services, or you can ask your parent or guardian to consent to these services with you. See also Data protection and imprint